Beginners and advanced
> Climbing > Beginners and advanced
Climbing for beginners
Our team will be delighted to accompany you to suitable “school” sites, for a discovery, relaxation, family or public outing.
- Children as young as 6 and their parents love it, because it’s a time of exchange where young and old share the discovery of climbing and the techniques and notions of safety, team spirit and the joy of conquering summits within their reach.
- Nothing is mandatory. Everyone goes according to their abilities, desires and sensations. It’s an excellent way of awakening the body for everyone.
- Outings often start with balance games, slack line (tightrope walking at ground level), playful challenges and confidence-building.
Natural bouldering
We also offer climbing on natural boulders not exceeding 4 meters in any way, using strength, balance, cunning and willpower.
- Don’t forget Sturdy sneakers, water, a meal such as energy bars or a picnic (essential!), sunglasses, sun cream and a hat.
- Don‘t forget: shorts that are too short (you really do use every part of your body to get over certain boulders) jewelry, handbags or wallets, sausages to cook or defrost.
- Activity duration: morning, afternoon or full day
Advanced climbing
This level 2 is designed for people who already have some climbing experience and want to improve their rope handling and/or technical skills.
- Level required: 6 b in head.
- Climbing is your passion and you want to progress in complete safety. In just one session, you’ll acquire new reflexes, get personalized advice, learn and improve your belaying and progression techniques.
- Nothing is mandatory. Everyone goes according to their abilities, desires and sensations.
- Outings often begin with balance games, slack line (tightrope walking at ground level), fun challenges and confidence-building exercises to help you get to know your body in space, develop your balance, breathe better and manage your effort!
Practical information
We start with a 5-minute walk to the site. Once you’ve been equipped and briefed, we set up a series of brief games that are accessible to all. Playful challenges, slack line, conscious breathing, sometimes with eyes closed to spice up the game and awaken the senses.
Once these games are over, safety instructions on belaying and roping techniques are put in place. Each participant is ideally accompanied. It only takes a few minutes for the roped parties to set off on their first pitches of climbing. The session evolves at the pace of the participants. Everyone finds sensations, discoveries, victories and increases in difficulty, whether in terms of height or technical level.
Sessions are scheduled by
(morning or afternoon) because they include setting up the site, equipping everyone, playing games, climbing and de-equipping, and returning to the meeting point.
Meeting point set as close as possible to your accommodation area.
RDV: 8H20/12H20/15H30 times vary according to instructor schedules
Equipment for the outing: Your instructor will provide you with all the equipment you need for your safety and comfort:
- a helmet.
- a harness.
- ropes and belay equipment.
- possibly slippers if we have the right sizes available. Of course, you’re welcome to bring your own equipment. This is your chance to get professional advice on its current condition.
- your sports shoes.
- Bermuda shorts (below the knees!!) or light pants.
- a t-shirt and light sweater, depending on the weather.
- sunglasses and sunscreen.
- a bottle of water and a small snack if you’re feeling a bit tired.

From €40 per day
4 people minimum
From age 6
Group rates: contact us


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